
IDP took part in mobilities activities organised in the framework of the Erasmus Programme in Martinique. The direct exposure to Martinique’s rich cultural diversity has represented a precious opportunity for the team to enhance cultural sensitivity and understanding. […]


Siamo felici di annunciare che il Digital DREAM Lab è ora online in lingua inglese su! Il Digital DREAM Lab è la piattaforma di open educational resource (OER) che ospiterà i principali risultati del progetto e sarà […]


The LEAP project, co-funded by Erasmus Plus, brings together a partnership of seven organizations from six European countries, including Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain. Its overarching goal is to promote adult education and learning across local, […]


I telegiornali televisivi sono ancora la principale fonte di informazione per la maggior parte dei cittadini europei, tuttavia i social media, e in particolare Facebook, sono sempre più utilizzati come punti di accesso alle notizie. Il fatto che […]


IHF asbl lancia la VI Edizione del MasterProgramme in Europrogettazione che si terrà a Bruxelles da ottobre 2023 a febbraio 2024. Il programma prevede sette diversi indirizzi specialistici che approfondiscono altrettante tematiche emergenti alla luce delle startegie e […]


Ebrief2 | JANURAY 2023 On January 11th 2023, the Consortium joined the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of WOMEN GET READY, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 8 Partners from 8 […]


As an international initiative co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, the DISK project aims at nurturing seniors’ digital skills as leverage for social inclusion, emancipation and active aging. Towards the end of the project, participating […]


Experience-based recommendations for policy making As an international initiative co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, the DISK project aims at nurturing seniors’ digital skills as leverage for social inclusion, emancipation and active aging. Towards the […]


An opportunity to evaluate the sustainability of your business idea IDP is official partner of the CARE project, an international initiative co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme and coordinated by the University of Malaga (UMA). The project aims to […]