In Brussels since 1991: a legacy of excellence
Together with clients, we develop a strategic approach towards EU funding opportunities. We accompany clients in the definition of project ideas, identification of funding programmes and development of project consortia. Clients also rely on IDP’s services for the management and reporting of the project throughout its lifetime.

IDP European Consultants assists private, public and third sector organisations, as well as Universities and Research Centers, with the following services:
Mapping and identification of EU opportunities
Tailored and in-depth monitoring of EU programmes, grant opportunities and tenders. Analysis of project ideas and matching with the most relevant opportunities in the frame of EU programmes. The daily and tailored monitoring of EU opportunities allows IDP European Consultants to timely alert clients on specific opportunities across the most relevant programmes and tenders
Project development and drafting
Drafting of successful proposals based on more than 30 years of direct experience with EU funds: corroborating the relevance in the funding instrument identified, detailing activities and outputs and defining project requirements such as timeline for implementation and budgetary allocations
Partnership building and consortium management
Thanks to its consolidated and extensive international network, IDP European Consultants is positioned to define solid and reliable consortia for successful project proposals. In addition to structuring the consortium, IDP European Consultants assists in the management of the partnership, helping clients in drafting appropriate Consortium Agreements
Project management
IDP European Consultants provides operational and technical support in the management of large and complex projects to ensure smooth implementation and full compliance with monitoring and reporting requirements
IDP European Consultants developed a robust expertise in most European funding programmes, with specific competences in Horizon Europe, Single Market Programme, Life and Erasmus+ thanks to multiple years of experience in supporting companies’ competitiveness, internationalisation and R&I since the 4th Framework Programme.
Senior partners of IDP European Consultant are also retained as external experts and evaluators by both Central and National Agencies tasked with the management of some funding programmes. Such direct experience complements the expertise in proposal drafting with the direct knowledge of the evaluation process and mechanisms.
Moreover, at IDP we have developed robust project management and thematic practice thanks to the direct involvement in projects in diverse fields, such as:
Education & Training and Sport: multiple projects approved since the Lifelong Learning Programme and an impressive success rate of 80% of proposals approved in Erasmus+;
Finance and financial inclusion: sound expertise in financial sector development, financial engineering and inclusion developed thanks to the direct involvement in a wide range of projects pertaining to access to finance, structured finance, financial engineering, crowd-funding and crowd-investing;
International cooperation and development: in-house expertise in international cooperation programmes and projects. In addition to direct experience in the EU external action programmes, senior partners of IDP European Consultants have worked for International Organisations in different areas of finance and private sector development;
Third Sector and social inclusion: over the years, IDP European Consultants built a strong capacity to support clients from the Third Sector on various social inclusion themes such as equity and diversity, volunteering, social integration and social support services.
Get in touch to explore EU opportunities and funding