
Il 20 settembre, IDP ha partecipato all’Incontro Transnazionale di chiusura del Progetto MORE (Il ruolo multifunzionale delle donne come principale motore dello sviluppo rurale), un progetto cofinanziato dal Programma Erasmus+ della Commissione Europea. Questo progetto ha riunito sette […]


IDP together with the other partners of the MORE project, has launched a photo contest to invite people to capture the essence of rural women, their entrepreneurial potential, their activities and their initiatives. The MORE project is co-funded […]


On November 10, 2022, IDP joined the second transnational meeting of MORE, a Project co-funded by the ErasmusPlus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together eight Partners from six different countries (Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Romania and Spain). […]