Ebrief2 | JANURAY 2023
On January 11th 2023, the Consortium joined the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of WOMEN GET READY, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 8 Partners from 8 different countries (BE, PT, IT, IR, CY, GR, PL, ES).
WOMEN GET READY aims at leveraging women’s digital readiness and participation in the digital economy, taking advantage of the ongoing digital transformation. The project is designed to empower women with tailored digital resources to increase their job opportunities and gain self-confidence through digital technologies.
In the previous months, partners worked on the production of the Massive Open Online Courses and the SAT to develop and assess the 11 digital competences identified by the WOMEN GET READY Digital Readiness Dicitionary. The material will be soon available on the project platform.
During the meeting, partners agreed on the final adjustments and set a work plan for the following actions, including the development of the Female Avatars and the launch of the piloting sessions. Through the latter, partners will test and validate the training material involving 120 women representing different professions and sectors.


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