As an international initiative co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, the DISK project aims at nurturing seniors’ digital skills as leverage for social inclusion, emancipation and active aging.
Towards the end of the project, participating organizations compiled and consolidated detailed Guidelines stemming from the implementation’s experience and conceived to support professionals, Adult Education organizations and other representatives of the lifelong learning ecosystem in replicating and implementing DISK-inspired initiatives within their ecosystem of practice and in similar learning environments tackled by the project.
The guidelines represent a sort of operational legacy of the project, while facilitating the use (and usability) of the training deliverables produced at project level by other organizations interested in replicating DISK-like training practices and programmes.
DISK Training resources are stored in the DISK Training platform, which is accessible from PCs and laptops, tablets, smart phones. The platform includes all the materials developed by the different partners within DISK project, organized in section and subsection (i.e., modules and units) from which users can access to content, download the material, links to electronic resources, questionnaires, multimedia content and other relevant content.
The ultimate aim of this guidelines is to provide for experience-based coordinates that professionals, STKHs and groups of interest can rely on to take inspirations for similar actions targeted to their cohort of reference.
Given that DISK e-resources can be used in different learning ways, the participants, educators and trainers will be able to decide which method is most appropriate in accordance with the characteristics of the target group, technical options and the level of language and ICT skills possessed by seniors.
Guidelines are offered to the project target group as a tool on how to get the most of the DISK training along with OER functionalities and recommendations provided by the trainers, educators.
This document refers both to practical and organizational aspects and to purely pedagogical issues, such as guidelines for trainers, students, structure and content of the workshops, etc.
All deliverables and project results are available for free, in open access format and in Multilanguage version via the official Open Education Resource Platform of the project:

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