A set of online resources for culture and creativity
One of the key objectives of the OFF-LINE project is to make available for senior people digital sources that they can rely on to nurture their propensity towards this kind of content, and hopefully, to spend their time online in more productive way rather than mere social media browsing.
During the first year of project’s implementation, the OFF-LINE partnership – represented by 7 organisations from 5 Member States –compiled, and putted together several open access websites and resources that in fact are tailored to promote and boost a renewed attitude on how people (specifically, adult population) interact with the Web.
The first group of this resources includes a group of Online magazines, divided per project’s participating countries and EU level, gathered to help users in finding ready-to-access and reliable news sources. A total of 45 media outlets have been mapped by partners and included in the official repository of the website.
These 45 media outlets are complemented by the 19 official media and news agencies established in partners’ countries and at EU level.
Besides that, users and project’s targets have available also, divided per country and at EU level, a group of 51 websites and online sources which ambition is to promote culture and creativity in the digital realm, giving people the opportunity to access for free the most up to date and fascinating content on whatever revolves around arts and creative industries.
The official repository of the project is targeted at the formal final beneficiaries of the project, adult and seniors with low levels of digital and media literacy. For professionals, trainers and educators, there is available free for consultation a large sample of case studies of initiatives aimed at promoting media literacy and a correct culture attitude. These case studies can represent a reliable base of reference to replicate similar actions in similar domains of interests, while capitalising on existing key lessons learnt, good practices and takeaways. Both groups of actions are available in the related e-learning section of the platform.
Last but not least, under the same project’s result, partners have consolidated, translated and published a self-assessment tool (SAT) that seniors and adults can take to test and self-evaluate their attitude towards three aspects: digital skills, online cultural attitude and time spent on social media. The same can be done by professionals and educators to gather preliminary information before launch of teaching and training activities.
The SAT includes a total of 28 questions and will not take more than 5 minutes to complete, click in this link to give it a shot…
Evidences and results gathered by all partners throughout this needs assessment cycle, informed the training content and training topics developed by partners with the ultimate goal to: increase digital culture among adults, guide adults towards correct navigation in particular towards more cultural contents, reduce the digital divide.
To know more about the project, please visit: www.offlineproject.eu

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