
MICRO 2 aims to enhance the capacity of rural microenterprises to tackle digital and business transformation accelerated by the pandemic by developing training resources tailored to rural microenterprises facing capacity constraints to embrace digital opportunity. This will improve the business potential of rural micro enterprises to play a societal and economical role in their local area.

Micro Enterprises already face inherent barriers for technology and digital adaptation due to their size and capacity. Those in rural areas face even more challenges due to geographical isolation from clusters and distance from opportunities such as networking, collaborations and training.  The digital gap is 14% lower for rural micro enterprises at 48%. Micro enterprises are a key employer in rural areas and by supporting them to improve their digitalization will help them to grow and create more employment.

In this context, Partners will carry out a series of well-defined activities that will lead to the production of tangible and operational results, and develop:

  1. Develop a resilient Digital Model for micro-enterprises in rural areas
  2. Map existing Government policies, agencies, and case studies in each partnering country and at EU level.
  3. Development of Multilanguage Training Programme – English, Italian and Spanish
  4. Build & Maintenance of the Micro 2 Digital Warehouse Platform – Open, Multilanguage and Flexible Digital Platform

The meeting took place in Brussels, hosted by the Belgian Partner, IHF. The partners have all worked together on previous projects so were able to get straight in to analysing the details of the project plan and define roles and responsibilities to implement project objectives. The partners also discussed and agreed the visual identity of the project by choosing the logo and the website domain that will be online very soon. An action list was defined at the end of the meeting so that all that partners are on the same page in terms of activities, responsibilities and deadlines.

MICRO 2 Digital is co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission with a duration of 18 months between November 2022 to April 2024. The project will be implemented by a partnership of four organisations from four European countries (Ireland, Belgium, Italy and Spain).

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Legal description – Creative Commons licensing: The materials published on the Micro2 project website are classified as Open Educational Resources’ (OER) and can be freely (without permission of their creators): downloaded, used, reused, copied, adapted, and shared by users, with information about the source of their origin.

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