
The MICRO 2 Digital project is proud to announce the online publication of training curricula as part of Work Package 3 of its innovative project. These resources – comprising modules, glossary, case studies and best practices – are set to enhance digital competences development and empower organisations to thrive in the digital era.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Commission, MICRO 2 Digital porject aims to advance digital skills among microenterprises in rural areas to drive growth, employment, and social empowerment. The partnership includes four organisations from Ireland, Belgium, Italy, and Spain.

MICRO 2 Toolkit serves as a knowledge repository where training contents and tools are freely accessible and available for a practical application and highly effective upskilling in 3 languages – English, Spanish and Italian.

The training contents were defined based on the results of Work Package n.2 “MICRO 2 Digital Model”, benchmarking the content with the DigComp and EntreComp competences for microenterprises in rural areas.

Contents are divided into 4 specific sections:

  • Training modules
  • Glossary
  • Case studies
  • Best practices

Concerning the training paths, these are the macro-topics and related modules that you can find on the OER platform:

Cybersecurity & data management

Course | Cybersecurity Essentials for Rural Micro-Enterprises: Securing digital and business transformation in the post-COVID era

  • Module 1. Cybersecurity fundamentals for a smooth digital transformation of rural MSMEs
  • Module 2. Cybersecurity Best practices to protect personal data and privacy

Course | Effective Data Management Strategies for Rural Micro enterprises: Enabling Digital and Business Transformation in the Post-COVID Era

  • Module 1. Data management principles in Rural micro enterprises
  • Module 2. How to manage data effectively to enable digital and business transformation of rural MSMEs

Digital marketing and digital communication

Course | Digital Dynamo: Unleashing the Power of Digital Marketing

  • Module 1. Mastering Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Module 2. Digital Communication and Interaction


Course | Introduction to E-Business for Micro enterprises: E-Commerce and Online Sales

  • Module 1. Introduction to E-Commerce
  • Module 2. Setting Up Your Online Store
  • Module 3. Scaling Up Your Online Store

Management in virtual settings

Course | Leading and Managing Rural Micro Enterprises Through Digital Change

  • Module 1. Leadership for Rural Micro Enterprises
  • Module 2. Leadership Styles for Rural Micro-enterprises
  • Module 3. Managing Digital Change in Rural microenterprises

Course | Hybrid Work Teams for Rural Micro Enterprises

  • Module 1. Promoting Effective Teamwork in a Hybrid Work Model for Rural Micro Enterprises
  • Module 2. ICT Tools for Hybrid Management
  • Module 3. Hybrid Working – Employer Obligations
  • Module 4. Keeping Hybrid Teams Motivated

For an in-depth overview and to access the training pathways (modules, glossary, case studies, and best practices), please visit:

For more information on the MICRO 2 Digital project, visit:


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