
Since the beginning of the project, 3 online project meetings have been organised and partners have contributed with their tasks.

– Quality assurance plan presented by Mindhshift

– Dissemination plan presented by BFI

– Newsletter 1 presented by Callidus

– Impact plan presented by IDP

– Risk management plan presented by ALK

– During this period of the project, the partners worked mainly on work packages 2 and 3.

Work package 2: In-service training programme

The Digital Competence Framework for VET Professionals is a comprehensive guide designed to equip VET educators with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively navigate and integrate digital technologies into their teaching practice. The framework is grounded in educational theory and addresses the evolving needs of both learners and the labour market in today’s digital age.

The framework was drafted by Callidus and BFI and discussed at the 2nd online meeting. FiP prepared the TNA for VET professionals and shared it with the partners. Each partner ensured that 20 VET professionals from their country participated in the TNA process and completed the survey. After receiving feedback from partners, the TNA process and report were successfully completed.

Work package 3: Value Proposition and Interactive Infographic

The proposed interactive infographics are innovative, self-contained learning environments that can provide high quality, low cost learning opportunities for VET learners.

ALK and Mindshift prepared the value proposition and learning outcomes for the Career Management Interactive Infographics in WP3. Subsequently, the topic allocations were agreed and all partners completed the first draft of all 18 Interactive Infographics.

C1 activity: Learning, teaching, training activities

It’s decided that the training will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 13 to 17 May. 


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