
We are happy to announce that the Digital DREAM Lab is now online in English on!

Digital DREAM Lab is the open educational resource (OER) platform that will host the main results of the project and will be available for the duration of the project and even 3 years after its completion.

The platform is fully open and free of charge, user- friendly and responsive, and soon will also be available in French, Italian, Spanish, Slovenian and Greek in order to reach a wider audience.

DREAM is an innovative and timely project that tackles the challenges of COVID-19 and digitalization in the two worlds of Vocational Education & Training (VET) and Small and Medium Enterprises, with a focus on microenterprises with less than 10 staff (MSMEs).

DREAM is also a co-funded project in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme, developed by a consortium of 7 partners from 6 countries (France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Slovenia and Greece), with the objectives of provide up-to-date training to MSMEs to help them cope with digital transformation, adapt VET to market needs and increase its flexibility, and enrich the provision of formal and non-formal VET across EU.

You can find more information about DREAM project on Digital DREAM Lab

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